Monday, October 13, 2014

5 Ways To Prevent Injuries

                                                        5 ways to prevent injuries

 This will show how to avoid injuries in games/practices. These 5 tips can be used by football players of all ages.

-Properly fit gear.

     Whether it’s shoulder pads, helmets, pants, whatever, they all need to be fitted to each individual player. A helmet that is loose can result in head trauma when hit. We have a professional fit us before the season, making sure we are as safe as possible (even though injuries are always possible). Walking onto the football field with loose equipment WILL eventually lead to injury, no matter how good you are.


Coaches go over technique/form more than anything. They know the importance of technique, creating a more machine-like team with less injuries. This goes along with form tackling, which you can view in our other post,


     Football season never ends. From summer through winter, train, train, and train. Lifting weights for all varieties of muscle groups makes you more capable to hit/receive hits. Make sure to go all conditioning sessions possible because a player that is out of shape won't be able to benefit the team to full potential. Also, make the neck machine your "bae" in the weight room. Strengthening your neck reduces concussion risk. Although the grueling lifts and sprints are important,  so is rest. Get plenty of sleep while in season, for an exhausted body will break down. Make chocolate milk your bestie, it is very beneficial in recovery.

-Play smart
      Throwing yourself into other players with no intent but to knock them out may look "D1" on film, but your body won't agree. Yeah, we all want a one hitter quitter, but playing smart will keep you able to play.

-Get injuries checked (so they don't worsen)
      Some injuries are not preventable, and can be a pain in the butt. Jammed fingers, sprained ankles, make sure to see your trainer for anything that bothers you. Tell your coaches if you get a headache, repetitive blows to the head can result in "Jasonitis" (staring off, bad memory, headaches). As we learned in athletic training, "When in doubt, sit it out".

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